Kid Dental check up

Show Us Your Smile This School Holiday

Booking your kids for a Dental check-up will help:

  • Your kids to become familiar with the dentist
  • Early detection of tooth decay
  • The dentist to educate them about good oral hygiene

Eligible kids aged 2-17 years can receive Bulk Billed Dental services up to a value of $1000 under CDBS*

*This government program provides up to $1,000 of private dental treatment over two calendar years for children between 2-17 who meet the eligibility requirements. If you are not sure if your child is eligible, please contact the practice and provide your Medicare number and we can check eligibility for your child.


We can do more from Monday, 27th April 2020!

Dear Patient,

We hope you and your families have all been keeping well and safe during these truly unusual and difficult times. It’s been tough we know, so it gives us great pleasure to share to some positive news. On Tuesday April 21, 2020 the Government eased restrictions on dental services moving us from a Level 3 down to a Level 2 – which means from Monday April 27, 2020 it will be safe for us to go back to our usual working hours and get you all back in.

Safety precautions remain

We will still be maintaining the extra precautionary safety measures we had put in place at the start of this pandemic, such as:

–          Mandatory temperature screening

–          Hand cleaning with alcohol gel/soap

–          Waiting in your car or seats outside to adhere with social distancing policies

Furthermore, some procedure restrictions are still in place, which your Dentist will discuss with you during your appointment. Our practices are Accredited and follow strict infection control procedures to protect you and our team members. We kindly ask that you read the signs on the front door before entering the practice as it protects us all.

Pre-booked appointments

Patient appointments that were rescheduled from March and April 2020 to May 2020 due to the Level 3 restrictions will get an SMS reminder or phone call to advise you of the new time and date (if it is not convenient please call us to reschedule it). If you wish to be seen sooner then please call us so we can arrange this.

How to book

You can book an appointment online or call us at 0738832434.

We are extremely delighted and excited by this news. We’re heading in the direction of another ‘new normal’ where safety is paramount but services can thankfully resume, so we can get back to freely going about our lives as we once did. It’s a whole new world we live in for the near future!

We also ask that you follow us on Facebook Instagram – @dentistkipparing for regular updates and more information with regards to restrictions, shut down and re-opening.

Stay safe, maintain your social distancing, and we look forward to seeing you all very soon!


To All Our Patients – From Your Dentists At KR DENTAL

Dear Patient,

We are in the midst of a pandemic and an unprecedented crisis to have befallen Australia in recent times. We all have a responsibility in helping our authorities to curb the spread of the Covid-19 virus which is solely responsible for the health, economic and personal devastation that has engulfed us all.

The Australian Dental Association has advised us to follow Level 3 restrictions in the practice of dentistry. This means that we are no longer able to carry out routine dentistry as we know it. We are only allowed to treat people that qualify for urgent or emergency treatment, and only if those people satisfy clinical and epidemiological criteria as set out by AHPPC. Long story short, we are unable to see or treat 80% of our routine patient base.

Dental practices are being told to prepare for Level 4 restrictions which are to be imposed soon. When this happens, we will only be able to treat patients who are positive or suspected to be positive for Covid-19 and only if we have very exclusive and expensive personal protective equipment. In the event of imposition of Level 4 restrictions, in the interest of safety to our staff, KR Dental will shut down until such time that the restrictions are lifted.

However, we seek to be available to our patients during this time of uncertainty.


At this stage, we ask you call us with any concerns you may have with your dental health. As of now, our reception is still attended. We will seek to do a phone consultation and decide whether it is safe for you and us to carry out dental treatment.


If level 4 restrictions are imposed, we ask that you email us at with your dental concerns. We ask that you provide us when your name, date of birth, name of your treating dentist (if you are able to), your concern and the best contact number to reach you.

Your dentist will endeavour to call or email you back as soon as practicably possible and run you through your options.

We also ask that you follow us on Facebook Instagram – @dentistkipparing for regular updates and more information with regards to restrictions, shut down and re-opening. We will endeavour to update our website with this information also.

We would like to thank you for your understanding during this difficult, uncertain and trying time. The only way we can get through this safely and quickly is to follow the guidelines set out by our authorities.

Please stay well, keep your social distance and wash your hands frequently. This too shall pass.

Yours sincerely,

Drs Sandy Iyer, Arthur Leow, Erin Partridge, Nipuni ThilakaratneSHARE THIS POST:Share on TwitterShare on FacebookShare via Email« BACK TO BLOG